The Shanty Choir
Our Mission is to provide a space to gather safely, sing freely, and connect with each other in our community.

Listen up!
The Shantymen were recently featured on the Foolkiller Folk radio show! (KKFI 90.1 FM). Take a listen to learn more about how the group got started and a dive deeper into the history behind some of our favorite shanties…
From Our Community
We are a community-based singing group that is open to everyone. Our Shanty Nights are held once per month at various breweries in the Springfield, MO area. Attending these events is completely free, and we try to gather in places that are accessible to all ages.
We support local businesses and breweries by holding our events at their locations. Attendees are encouraged to enjoy the beverages responsibly and have a safe plan to travel home at the end of the night. Our Shanty Nights are meant to be family-friendly. It doesn’t matter what is in your glass, beer or water, as long as we can hoist it in the air together.
We are not a formal “choir”. We provide our community an opportunity to learn and sing traditional sea shanties while meeting new people over a pint! There are no rehearsals, concerts, or expectations regarding attendance. Everyone, regardless of singing experience, is encouraged to join! Each song features opportunities for singers to take a solo, but this is completely optional. Our shantymen will always be there to lead just like the old days on the open seas.
Come join us at our next Springfield Shanty Night! Each event is led by one of our shantymen and hosted by local breweries. Other than the cost for enjoying some of the delicious beers, our events are completely free to attend and participate. No singing or music reading experience is required. Everyone is welcome to grab a pint and enjoy these songs from the high seas!
The Shanty Choir has officially started at chapter in Kansas City! Each event is led by one of our shantymen and hosted by local breweries. Shanty nights are completely free to attend and participate. No singing or music reading experience is required. Everyone is welcome to grab a pint and enjoy these songs from the high seas!